A Work in Progress

Sep 24, 2012 10:30

Title:  A Work in Progress
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC/17
Summary:  Dean's back from hell and there are some misunderstandings between him and Sam.
Warnings: biting (sexual), pain play, post hell issues.
A/N:  Written for the second round of the Sam/Dean last kink standing comm which folded after only one round.  I'm tired of it sitting in my to do folder, so I spruced it up a little and voila.  Prompts were, if I remember correctly, pain play and h/c.

Sam’s not around much lately. )

[setting: season 04], hell/post-hell issues, [genre: slash], [character: sam], [genre» other: kink], pain, [pairing: dean/sam], &fic, abandonment issues, sexual dysfunction, emotional pain/hurt, bottom!dean, [genre» other: dark/horror], bruises/bruising

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