Fic: Forgetting Any Other Home But This

Sep 22, 2012 17:20

Title: Forgetting Any Other Home But This
Rating: PG?
Pairings: Gen
Words: ~1,670
Spoilers: Up through "Death's Door."
Warnings: Major character death (sort of implicit in the prompt).
Summary: A perpetual afternoon in the Singer Salvage Yard, spring 1987. Written for this prompt, for the curtain!fic challenge (nominal curtain!fic), with sincere hope I did it justice.
Neurotic author's notes: Let it be noted I have a hangover and a massive cold, and please accept my apologies if this is awful. The title comes from Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet, act II, scene 2: "And I'll still stay, to have thee still forget,/Forgetting any other home but this," Romeo to Juliet after she's called him back to the balcony one last time and then forgets why because she's that into him). Cut text is from Joe Pug's "Nation of Heat," just because I like it.

we got two-dollar soldiers and ten-dollar words...

&fic, death, [character: bobby], [genre: gen], .mini challenge (curtain!fic/art week), [» death's door], age regression (physical)

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