I love high!Dean THIS MUCH. Hence, this post. If you have any other similarly themed recs, (or self-recs), please leave them in the comments to this post so that others can check them out.
High-Minded by
alethialia Author's notes/summary: Dean accidentally gets high. Sam deals really well. 6,797 words. PG-13, gen.
Reccer's notes: There's a hunt involving magical shrooms, and Sam ends up having to babysit his incredibly high brother. Oh, man. If something like this happened on the show I would be a bundle of pure GLEE.
Tags: hallucinations, drugs (supernatural), intoxication/altered state
Dealing With Substances Not Included In The Outline by
flambeau Author's notes/summary: This is your brain on drugs. 5,000 words. PG, Sam/Dean.
Reccer's notes: Dean and hallucinogens. The atmosphere the author's created here is wonderfully dreamy. High!Dean isn't completely over-the-top out of it here; he's just living in a very skewed reality, which makes you wonder exactly which parts of the story are real. I love that!
Tags: hallucinations, drugs (supernatural), intoxication/altered state
Pit and Peak by
kimonkey7 Author's notes/summary: Dean’s got a lot of questions after a trip to the ER. Takes place between 3X15 and 3X16. PG-13, Dean and Sam, gen.
Reccer's notes: This is hilarious, with a sucker-punch, poignant ending! A+.
Tags: Dean's deal, drugs (medical), injury, intoxication/altered state
In Loco Parentis by
K Hanna Korossy Author's notes/summary: After John's death, another hunter decides to "finish" the Winchester boys' training, starting with Dean. PG-13, gen.
Recer's notes: This is angstier than the other fics recced in this post, and involves kidnapped!drugged!Dean followed up with Dean going through withdrawal and bucketloads of sick!, hurt! and angsty!Dean. The storyline of the hunting community being against the brothers (well, mostly Sam) is an interesting one, and one I wish they'd explored more onscreen after the Gordon arc.
Tags: drugged, drug reaction/interaction, addiction, physical assault/abuse, injury, kidnapping, withdrawal
Comment-fic: Dean's Loopy on Painkillers and Loves His Brother by
roque_clasique Author's notes/summary: Comment-fic for
h/c meme: Dean on strong painkillers gets loopy and clingy, telling the nurses how much he loves his brother and not wanting Sammy to ever leave him, stuff like that - and yes, Sam is totally allowed to make fun of him afterwards. Gen.
Reccer's notes: How cute is this? THIS SHOULD HAPPEN ONSCREEN TOO. Okay? All of these fics should happen onscreen and then I would die happy.
Tags: drugs (medical), hospitalization, injury, intoxication/altered state
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