SPN fic: Your Touch

Jun 30, 2012 23:05

Here's a little fic written for obstinatrix SPN/CW RPF FREE-FOR-ALL DIRTY PORN MEME!

Title : Your Touch
Pairing : Sam/Dean
Summary : The original prompt was: Dean has a fever and his skin is extra sensitive to touch. This is mostly unpleasant, except when Sam touches him a certain way, they discover! Sexy times ensue.
Word count : 1000
Warnings : NC-17 for porn. Because that's what it is, with a side of H/C and a small amount of dirty talk.
Disclaimer : Not mine
Thanks to disneymagics for her great beta work and to maypoles for the cheers :)

Read it here at my journal

&fic, [pairing: dean/sam], [genre» other: pwp], [genre: slash], illness (misc./other/uncategorized), fever

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