Fic: Dust Devils 13/21

Jun 04, 2012 05:47

Title: Dust Devils
Chapter Thirteen: The Great Dust Storm
Author: sharlot1926
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby, Ellen, various OC’s
Genre: Gen-fic: Adventure, Hurt/Comfort
Length: 6912 words (This Chapter)
Rating: R (Due to children in peril and adult themes involving children)
Spoilers: Spoilers for S2.  Setting occurs immediately following the events in Born Under A Bad Sign.
Warnings: Language, disturbing imagery, sexual situations, children in peril, violence, reference to sexual assault.
Summary:  The Winchesters fight time, a vengeful spirit, and a wind demon in order to save a little girl from the monster who's stalking her. Hurt!Dean, Heavily Dean-centric.
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes: This is a pre-completed, multi-chapter story.  Chapters normally to be published Mondays and Thursdays.

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stranded/survival scenario, exhaustion, [setting: season 02], [» born under a bad sign], blood-loss, &fic, [genre: gen], amnesia/memory loss, blindness/vision loss, delirium, shock

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