Title: The Good Fight
Characters: Sam, Dean, OCs
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG13
Word-count: 2000+
Spoilers: No specific spoilers, suggestion of events throughout the series
Warnings: Language, disturbing imagery ,suggestion of self-harm
Summary: For the current H/C meme at
hoodie_time, for
prompt: When Sam and Dean decide to settle down for good, Sam is able to get a pretty good job and hold it down and it gives him some stability, but Dean is unable to keep any of his jobs. .... It's because of all his PTSD issues and alcoholism, he has trouble focusing and talking to people. Maybe has panic attacks at work and tries to hide them because he won't acknowledge that he's not okay. He's like, what's wrong with me??? Why can't I adjust like Sam can??? They realize he really needs to focus on getting better.
Disclaimer: Not mine