Fic: "Harrowed" (PG, AU, Gen)

Apr 07, 2012 13:11

Title: Harrowed
Author: San Antonio Rose (ramblin_rosie)
Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby, Cas, others
Pairing: Gen (background Dean/Lisa toward the end)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 9,895
Warnings: Some references to backstory revealed in Season 7. Written for Holy Saturday. Religious content of a strongly Christian nature--caveat lector.
Note: AU from "Lazarus Rising." Cut text from "The Victor" by Jamie Owens-Collins, as performed by Keith Green.

Summary: Dean says yes in Hell--but not to Alastair. He is rescued--but not by Castiel. Someone unexpected is waiting for him down there... and that makes all the difference.

( Swallowed into earth's dark womb, / Death has triumphed, that's what they say. )

[setting: season 04], wound-tending, [genre» other: au/ar], comfort food (pie!/etc.), [character: castiel], [genre: gen], supernatural powers, [character: lisa], crying!dean, stigmata, [character: sam], blood-loss, carried!dean, [» lazarus rising], &fic, pain, [character: bobby]

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