Well I feel a little like Sam (since I should have gone to bed about five hours ago and I'm starting to feel a little spaced out), but I've posted as per the extension (thank you mods!) before the end of the weekend (well it's still Sunday in the States, if not here in the UK). I hope someone reads this before it disappears beneath all the other last-minute entries!
Summary: And there’s the rub, because you know something is seriously wrong when a hallucinated, smart-mouthed vision of the anti-Christ is a more reliable source of information than your brother.
Non-rambling author’s note: Unbetaed so all mistakes are mine, although thank you to rince1wind for offering - I just ran out of time to send it. Title is taken from ‘Scars’ by Papa Roach. Written for the following anonymous prompt at hoodie_time’s recent Dean-focused fic & art challenge:
Dean and Sam are trapped for a somewhat significant period of time following an accident or disaster. (Up to the author whether it's an elevator or tornado....etc) Dean starts to go through hardcore withdrawal. Go nuts....panic attacks, vomiting, hallucinations, seizures...whatever. Sam had no idea that the drinking had become THIS serious. Maybe they are trapped with strangers and have an ousider POV? Or not.
Disclaimer: Sadly not mine (unlike the mistakes).
Genre/pairing: Gen.
Warnings: Bad language and angst.
Spoilers: Up to and including season 7. Set just before 7x16 ‘Out With the Old’.
Word Count: 11,316
Link to Fic:
http://sw0rdy.livejournal.com/21641.html#cutid1 And with that, I'm done!