Title: The Lee
pdragon76Rating: R (sailor mouths, sex, violence)
Genre: mostly Gen, some Het (Sam/OFC)
Characters: Sam, Dean, OFC
Wordcount: Approx 85,000 total (10 chapters + Epilogue)
Spoilers: Set late Season Two, after WIAWSNB. AU for timeline and some minor canon-jiggery.
Disclaimer: It’s Kripke’s world, we’re all just living in it. *snaps fingers, points*
Summary: Wherever you go, there you are.
A/N: This fic was commissioned for Sweet Charity by the very lovely
shadow_of_doubt, who wanted “something angsty that involves Sam and his powers”. Hope this scratches the itch, my dear. Apologies in advance to any native West Virginians. Beta’d by the brilliant, incessant
kimonkey7, the feisty, astute
july_july_july and the ever insightful, truly delightful
riverbella. These guys demand that I earn it - and own it - to the best of my debatable ability, every step of the way. Any remaining niggles, wtf’s and humdingers are mine, all mine.
The word "now" is like a bomb through the window, and it ticks.
~Arthur Miller