Title: The First Hoodie
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mild language
Characters: Dean, Sam and John
Summary: Written for the sixth challenge
hoodie_time. Fourteen year old Dean is suffering from cancer - but he's getting better. Much better. The doctors say he can come home soon. Even though it's almost summer, Sam knows his big brother is going to need something to help keep him warm. Dad stated he just needed new jeans - but Sam figured a little something extra couldn't hurt. The knitted hat with the skull pattern was just the icing on the cake. Prompt by
turquoisetumult: Dean has cancer at a fairly young age (teenage years maybe). I want to see how John and Sam interact and comfort him. Do you stay with him during chemo, help him shave his hair, all that good H/C stuff. (Supportive!John, please, not jerk!John.) This is what my muse came up with.
The First Hoodie