Title: Maybe the Streets Alight, Maybe the Trees are Gone
apodiopsysPairing/Character(s): Sam/Jess, bb!Dean
Rating: Somewhere safely between gen and PG-13
Summary: Dean wakes up six years old all over again and manages to get to Stanford for some help fromhis brother. Jess wants to drag Sam and his "nephew" to her parents house for Christmas. Unfortunately(fortunately?) there's more than enough space for him and he's along for the ride whether he likes it or not.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters; Title and cut belong to Coldplay.
A/N: Written for a prompt orginially given by
dollarformyname in the Dean Winter themed h/c fic-meme at
hoodie_time And all the kids, they dance, all the kids all night. Until Monday morning feels another life