monthly member/guest rec submissions: misc. recs (gen, Dean/Sam, & Dean/Castiel)

Jan 02, 2012 13:28

Got recs?

You can make your own rec post at any time, or submit any recs you may have to be posted by a mod, like in this post. Find out how HERE. (If a month is skipped for this, that's because there were no recs received that month. Sometimes we receive tons of recs per month, and sometimes we don’t. It’s all up to you guys. <333 )

Title: Unsuffer Me
Author: janie_tangerine
Tags: deafness/hearing loss, scars, permanent injury, depression, mutism/voice loss, psychological issues
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam, Bobby
Genre/pairing: Dean/Castiel, futurefic/curtainfic
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 22000
Spoilers: set post-apocalypse; general spoilers for S5, but nothing extremely specific after 5x04.
Warnings: deaf/scarred!Dean, angst galore in the beginning.
Summary: After the end of the world I just wanted to rest and chill out, not to re-build my life from scratch around the fact that I can’t hear shit and that I look like the fucking phantom of the Opera.
Reccer: anon
Reccer’s comments: If you’re in the mood for Dean/Cas curtain-fic, look no further! I also love how Dean slowly comes to accept what’s happened to him, that there's no quick, magical fix for it.

Title: You Gotta Be Kidding
Author: Lampito
Tags: age regression (mental), age regression (physical), hugs/cuddling, nausea/vomiting, curse/spell
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen, humour
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 55,756
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: She was a very dangerous witch, Sam said. Her grimoire is a very dangerous book, Sam said. Don't touch it, Sam said. Trouble is, Dean's been thinking with his Downstairs Brain again. Now Bobby is using the word 'idjit' with extreme prejudice.
Reccer: katiki7
Reccer’s comments: If anyone needs a fix of de-aged Dean and/or a good laugh, this will tide you over for a while. It's hilarious, and really goes to town with the age regression, leading to some nice comfort scenes. Bobby is de-aged as well, and the two of them together are tough little hellions who get into 31 flavours of trouble. Cas is the best/worst babysitter in the universe. And Sam is the harassed yet caring father figure. Did I mention it's hilarious?

Title: Graves Beyond Windows
Author: lustmordred
Tags: grief, hospitalization (psychiatric), drugs (psychiatric), suicide
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean, darkfic
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: N/A
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Incest, language, violence, character death
“Sammy. Sam. Your name, see?”
“I’m not the one who needs it anymore, Dean. You are.”
Reccer: anon
Reccer’s comments: This is tragic and beautiful in a very haunting way.

Title: This is Christmas
Author: MarquessaS
Tags: hospitalization, broken bone/fracture
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen, with a little bit of Dean/OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 47,739
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: The Winchesters never really observed Christmas much. It had been a disappointment throughout their childhood. This year Sam had an invitation to spend it with old friends, and Dean and he went their separate ways for the holidays.
Reccer: doylescordy
Reccer’s comments: I'm not really good at these descriptions, but I strongly suggest this fic. With a Christmas theme, plenty of hurt!Dean, protective!Sammy, great original characters, and heartwarming moments, it's just the fic to read this time of year.

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

suicide/suicide attempt, deafness/hearing loss, [pairing: dean/castiel], [genre» other: holiday themed], psychological issues, [pairing: dean/sam], [genre» other: crack/humour], [setting: post-series/future-fic], hospitalization, [genre» other: domestic/curtain!fic], hospitalization (psychiatric), [genre: gen], [genre» other: apoca!fic], !monthly rec submissions (mod-compiled), mutism/voice loss, age regression (physical), age regression (mental), drugs (psychiatric), [setting: season 05], [genre: slash], scars, broken bone/fracture, depression, permanent injury, nausea/vomiting, curse/spell, grief, &fic, !recs, [genre» other: dark/horror]

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