recent horror fic and art recs (gen and Dean/Castiel)

Nov 09, 2011 11:16

These are all horror recs. That said, they all contain a certain amount of h/c as well - wellll, except for that last one, which is mostly just crushing. ;_; In any case, I LOVE THEM.

Title: Beating a Path down the Alleyway
Author: honeylocusttree
Tags: alcoholism, withdrawal, hallucinations, hell/post-hell issues, psychological trauma
Characters: Sam, Dean, (Alastair)
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: R (rated by reccer)
Word-count: N/A
Spoilers: Non-specific for s4, s7
Warnings: Disturbing imagery
Summary: Written for the prompt - For whatever reason, Dean quits drinking. Cold turkey. Cue in a viciously horrendous withdrawal to rival Sam's demon blood detox... complete with chills, sweats, the shakes, DTs, go insane. Thing is, three days in, just as he's approaching the worst, he starts hallucinating. And Alastair is there, twirling his knife and showing blood-stained teeth. Thing is, Alastair might be more real than Sam thinks.

The catch? Dean's the only one who can stop him and Dean's locked up in his own head...
Reccer’s comments: Oh, geez. I have a certain penchant for Alastair!fic, but I have much love for this beyond that as well. The author creates such a sense of foreboding with her words and writing style that this fic actually had my heart beating double-time.

Title: Your P's and Q's
Author: i-speak-tongue
Tags: malnutrition, pain, supernatural illness
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen, Gore/Horror, H/C
Rating: R (see warnings)
Word-count: 1773
Spoilers: General for Season 6
Warnings: Swearing, Cannibalism
Summary: Sam just wants to save his brother. Dean just wants to know what the hell is going on.
Reccer’s comments: The reveal is amazing! This was so creepy and hurty and good, and did I mention CREEPY?

Title: the depths of bitter exultation
Art/Artist: here by la_fantomette
Fic/Author: here by jaimeykay
Tags: dream-walking, hell/post-hell issues, torture, psychological issues, sleep disorder, supernatural illness
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam, Bobby
Genre/pairing: Dean/Castiel, horror
Rating: R
Word-count: 15,121
Spoilers: through to the beginning of season 7
Warnings: (for the fic) slight gore, torture references; (for the art) dark art, Dean with a sewn mouth
Summary: After absorbing the souls from purgatory, Castiel dream-walks in Dean's head, determined to gain Dean's love and respect. Caught between dreams of his mother, hell, and the Cas he used to know promising to get Dean out, Dean wonders how long he can hold out, even with Sam and Bobby's resolve to find the solution. But Castiel knows all of Dean's weaknesses - and how to use them against him.
Reccer’s comments: This is the first RBB art/fic combo I’ve checked out this round, and if it’s any indication, I’d say the challenge is off to a great start!

The art is startling in its awesomeness, dark and disturbing in a strangely beautiful way. <3 As soon as I saw it I knew I wanted to read the fic behind it. And the fic is an enthralling read, written by an obviously perceptive author. I love dream-walking in fics to start with, and this does a fantastic job with the concept, delving deeply and intriguingly into Dean’s mind in that way.

Title: Here at the End of All Things
Author: riverbella
Tags: blindness/vision loss, psychological trauma, supernatural trauma
Characters: Dean, Death, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen, horror
Rating: R
Word-count: N/A
Spoilers: None, as long as you know who Death is.
Warnings: None
Summary: Dean hasn't always been blind. It's only since he saw the end of the Universe.
Reccer’s comments: The summary grabbed me, and the fic kept me there, on the edge of my seat. This is so inventive and cool and well-done.

[setting: season 04], dream-root/dream-walking, [pairing: dean/castiel], psychological issues, &art/graphics (digital), [genre: gen], supernatural injury/trauma, [setting: season 07], [setting: season 06], hallucinations/delusions, supernatural illness, hell/post-hell issues, [genre: slash], psychological trauma, torture, alcoholism, pain, &fic, sleep disorder, withdrawal, blindness/vision loss, !recs, malnutrition, [genre» other: dark/horror]

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