(no subject)

Sep 22, 2011 16:41

Title: Writhe
Show: Supernatural
Author: thruterryseyes
Genre: Horror
Characters: Sam, Dean, OFC
Rating: T (PG-13)
Spoilers: Season 1 (ish)
Summary: Forced to lay over in Athens, Georgia, after Dean becomes desperately ill, the brothers encounter a creature that has killed its way through the centuries preying on young men.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, and if that isn't proof that life is frigging unfair then I don't know what is.

Chapter 3: Killer's Kiss,  at my journal (Linked by some miracle to 1 and 2 also!!)


flu, [pairing: dean/ofc], dizziness/vertigo, [setting: season 01], [genre» other: case!fic], [genre: gen], unconsciousness, illness (misc./other/uncategorized), nausea/vomiting, fainting/collapse, fever, [genre: het], curse/spell, pain, food poisoning, &fic, [genre» other: dark/horror]

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