May 2, 2006 1/3 PG

Sep 22, 2011 01:08

Title: May 2, 2006
Pairing: N/A, gen
Rating: PG
Word count: about 520 this chapter
Warnings: Violence, angst
Disclaimer: They ain't mine -- and the way I treat them, maybe that's a good thing!
Summary: There's a reason Sam hates birthdays. Written for the tags challenge: gunshot wounds and appendicitis. Clearly, not finished on time. And trust me -- it is a hurt!Dean fic.

He knew he'd made the right call when Dean's face lit up. He always looked like a little boy when he grinned that smile that reached his eyes. "You won't regret this, Sammy!"

Sam felt a chill slide down his spine at Dean's words. "I already do," he muttered under his breath.

.challenge 5, &fic, gunshot wound, .amnesty, [genre: gen], appendicitis

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