Title: For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.
Genre: psychological, hurt/comfort (Dean - fever, nightmares, Hell/post-Hell issues, dissociation, PTSD; Sam - nightmares, Hell/wall-falling, psychological trauma), angst
Characters: Dean, Sam, peripheral Bobby
Rating: PG-13 for allusions to torture, Hell, related imagery
Word Count: ~1300
Notes: Written for
maypoles's prompt on the
hoodie_time Themed comment!fic meme #2: fevers, "psychosomatic illness". [
Original Post.] Speed-beta'd by
vie_dangerouse (as always! ♥). Takes place post-6x22; heed the spoilers! Broken narration.
"Shoes," Sam says. And Dean says, I know. "Gloves," Sam says, and Dean doesn't. He never got that far.