New World Man - Master Post [NC-17] Dean/Sam - AU

Aug 25, 2011 21:08

Author name: etrix
Artist name: heard_the_owl 
Pairings: Dean/Sam, Sam/the Rubys
Rating: NC-17 [overall]
Word Count: approx 118k
Content: BDSM, blood play, death, dub-con, explicit scenes, h/c, language, M/F, implied non-consensual sex and torture, violence

Summary: In 1983, a global catastrophe changed everything. The government threw out reasons for the disaster that didn't explain how Dust became a living thing covering half of North America, or how a virus turned people evil and then made them disappear. Why were certain town, certain families targetted? Why was magic suddenly real and why were certain people so good at bending it. They also couldn't explain how, in the depths of civilization's collapse, one family's destiny could save the world.

Link to fic: Here
Link to art: Here

[genre» other: au/ar], captivity, slavery, drugged, drugs (supernatural), [pairing: dean/sam], &art/graphics (digital), injury (misc./other/uncategorized), missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), [genre» other: apoca!fic], restraints/ropes/handcuffs, supernatural powers, bruises/bruising, hell/post-hell issues, mind control (brainwashing/etc.), [genre: slash], torture, secrets (somebody finds out), burns, curse/spell, physical assault/abuse, pain, &fic, amnesia/memory loss, jail/prison, sexual assault/abuse (non-con)

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