pistols & hearts (a random mix of fic ft. some of my fave pairings)

Aug 23, 2011 00:37

I was asked to do a rec post featuring Dean and his manpain yesterday at sawedoff_recs, and thought I’d share the ones that haven’t been recced here at this comm before (by me or by others) with you guys as well. You can check out aaaall of the recs here, btw.

These ones are a very random mix of two of my fave pairings, Dean/Lisa and Dean/Alastair. Mostly Dean/Lisa. <3

Title: Make me down a pallet on your floor
Author: ariadnes_string
Tags: fever, flu
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Lisa
Rating: R
Word-count: 1700
Spoilers: Through S5, but nothing at all about S6
Warnings: N/A
Summary: With the perversity of fever, even as he lay there next to Lisa, Dean dreamt of Castiel.
Reccer’s comments: A beautiful and beautifully atmospheric snapshot into Dean's life, and his bed, after season 5.

Title: Vertigo
Author: evitably
Tags: amnesia/memory loss, anxiety/panic attack, Dean's deal/making deals with demons, dizziness/vertigo, hell/post-hell issues, mental breakdown, psychological trauma
Characters: Dean, Alastair (?), OFC
Genre/pairing: Dean/Alastair overtones
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1200
Spoilers: 4.16, "On the Head of a Pin"
Warnings: here
Summary: Just because Dean does not remember hell does not mean it never existed, only that it's become a part of him.
Reccer’s comments: This is one of the prompts I was just waiting to be filled this round of blindfold_spn, and evitably's fic was everything I could have wanted. A chilling, very cool take on Dean/Alastair.

Title: The Ghost in Bed With Them
Author: rainylemons
Tags: grief, hugs/cuddling
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: het, Dean/Lisa, a little h/c
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 2791
Spoilers: post ‘Swan Song,’ really mild, blink & you’ll miss it spoilers for ‘Two and a Half Men’
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Plot be damned. Angst. Smut. The end.
Reccer’s comments: PWP with a soul, this is languid, achy and sexy.

Title: The Full Pause
Author: roque_clasique
Tags: sexual dysfunction
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Genre/pairing: Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1476
Spoilers: Pre s6
Warnings: N/A
Summary: The first time Dean asked Lisa what she did for a living, it felt like the punchline to the best joke ever told. Yoga teacher.
Reccer’s comments: In which Lisa teaches Dean yogic breathing and everything is beautiful. <3 I like this not only because it’s wonderfully tender and hurty, but also because it deals with a topic most fic doesn’t - see the tags.

[setting: season 04], [genre» other: pwp], flu, mental breakdown, [pairing: dean/lisa], [pairing: dean/castiel], dizziness/vertigo, dean's deal/making deals with demons, hugs/cuddling, hell/post-hell issues, [setting: season 05], [» swan song], [genre: slash], psychological trauma, fever, [genre: het], grief, &fic, [pairing: dean/alastair], sexual dysfunction, amnesia/memory loss, !recs, anxiety/panic attack, [» on the head of a pin]

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