Fanart (sorta): Victorian Weechesters HC

Jul 24, 2011 15:20

Is it just me, or does this image from around the 1890s have a definite Victorian!Weechesters h/c vibe?


Dean begs you not to notice the dolly.

Found this in a box of old ephemera we were playing with in the art group I attend. All the women in the group thought it was way creepy, as the kid looks kinda dead. To me it looked like Wee Victorian Sam checking on Wee Victorian Dean, who no doubt has the Ague.

It's going to be way creepier when I get done collaging it.

This originally came in a package of coffee. Those Victorians liked a dose of creepy with their morning brew.

[genre: gen], unconsciousness, childhood illness, fever, &art/graphics (traditional)

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