Darkest Side of Black- Chapter 11

May 26, 2011 16:39

Rating: NC17
Paring: Dean/monster
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre: Mature
Spoilers: Only if you haven't seen season 3
Status: 11/12 (I swear, for real this time)
Warnings: m-preg; sexual assault, character death, language
Length: Around 7000 words this part
Disclaimer: I asked Santa last Christmas, but he said I was too naughty and couldn't have them, so, Kripke and the CW still own them
Summary: While hunting a Chupacabra in the outskirts of the Mojave Desert, the brothers are separated by a sandstorm. Alone and lost in the hot and unforgiving desert, Dean finds himself attacked by more than sun and sand. Read warnings in the prologue.


Chapter 11

mental breakdown, nausea/vomiting, depression, [setting: season 03], dean's deal/making deals with demons, suicidal ideation, &fic, [genre: gen], [pairing: dean/supernatural character], mpreg, sexual assault/abuse (non-con)

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