vid & other media recs (Gen, Dean/Sam & Dean/Alastair)

Apr 03, 2011 11:10

Idk, I've had some free time this week and it's evidently turned me into a RECCING MACHINE. I have a few other rec posts ready as well that I'm trying to space out over days. You guys are all just super-talented, what can I say. ♥


Title: blood makes noise
Vidder: lilly_the_kid
Tags: supernatural injury/trauma, transformation
Characters: Dean, Sam, Lisa, Ben, creeper vampire dude
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13 (rated by reccer)
Spoilers: s6, Live Free or Twi Hard
Warnings: violence, fast cuts, flashes
Summary: Dean can't hear, 'cause blood makes noise. Set to Blood Makes Noise by Suzanne Vega.
Reccer’s comments: I liked the episode this vid is based on, but the vid totally makes me LOVE it. Good stuff.

Title: Ghost Is Not Real
Vidder: secretlytodream @ graphicinmotion
Tags: amnesia/memory loss, psychological issues, supernatural injury/trauma
Characters: Dean Smith, Sam Winchester
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean, AU
Rating: PG-13 (rated by reccer)
Spoilers: Post Swan Song AU. Clips used are from WIAWSNB, Exile on Main St., among others.
Warnings: None
Summary: Dean Smith lives in house that looks like hundreds of others, he sleeps in a bed that he bought in a normal shop, he spends his life how he's supposed to and he doesn't believe in supernatural. Until he sees in a mirror an absolutely different man. Set to My Home Ghost by Husky Rescue.
Reccer’s comments: Every vid I’ve seen by secretlytodream has been fantastic. This particular one is SUCH a well-executed AU, I can’t even. According to the vidder’s notes, it was created for a Russian SPN Reverse Big Bang, and I’m kind of crushed I don’t know the language now. ::sadface::

Title: 5:11 PM [ʜᴇ ʜᴀs ɴo ᴘᴜʟsᴇ]
Vidder: tearaphoenix
Tags: hospitalization, death
Characters: Dean, Sam, John
Genre/pairing: Gen, AU
Rating: PG-13 (rated by reccer)
Spoilers: s1/2, Faith & In My Time of Dying, specifically.
Warnings: depressive mood
Summary: "Look Sammy, what can I say, man? It's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw.” Set to Loss Of A Twin by Brian Tyler.
Reccer’s comments: Like the above rec, this is a wonderfully executed-AU. The voiceovers are well placed, and the editing is just flawless in general.

Other media (fanmix):

Title: transmogrification
Artist/creator: twoskeletons
Tags: hell/post-hell issues
Genre/pairing: Dean/Alastair
Rating: G?
Spoilers: Season 4, small spoilers for On the Head of a Pin
Summary: Dean has spent more time in Hell than he has being alive. How can I say no to that? I miss you, Alastair, you magnificent bastard. Out of all the supernatural creatures who have creeped on Dean, you are my second favorite. Gone too soon! Here's a Dean/Alastair mix. Tom Waits: weirdly relevant to Dean all the time.
Reccer’s comments: I don’t usually rec fanmixes here (even though new music is loooove to me) because it’s kind of hard for the medium to be hurt-y or comfort-y. But... DEAN/ALASTAIR. I know a lot of us are fans. <3 Seriously, though, my favourite SPN villain, my favourite pairing of the darker persuasion, and Tom Waits! What’s not to love?

[setting: season 04], death, &vids, &other media, [pairing: dean/sam], psychological issues, [» in my time of dying], hospitalization, [setting: season 01], [genre: gen], supernatural injury/trauma, [setting: season 06], [» faith], [setting: season 05], [genre: slash], [» swan song], [setting: season 02], [» what is and what should never be], transformation (animal/creature/etc.), [pairing: dean/alastair], amnesia/memory loss, !recs, [» on the head of a pin]

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