Title: 50 Turns off the Highway (50 Drabbles)
sin_of_prideRating: R for subject matter.
Word count: 4540.
Disclaimer: Nothing’s mine, and they’re all lies.
Pairings: Sam/Dean. Mentions of Sam/OFs, Dean/OCs, Dean/End-Verse!Dean, Dean/Alistair.
Warnings: In no particular order, some of these hold incest, sex, violence, prostitution, non-con, dub-con, character death, genderswitch, mental disorders, crack, murder. Vague spoilers through season 6.
Author Notes: 50 drabbles of 100 words or less. Several stories with varied plots fragmented into bits and pieces. Please let me know which ones seem to have the most potential :) An earlier similar exercise
can be found here.
It breaks his heart every time.