Fic: Riders on the Storm, NC-17, (1-3/3)

Mar 06, 2011 12:36

Title: Riders on the Storm
Author: Dante
Genre: H/C. Curtain!fic.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 17112
Any other pairings beside Sam/Dean: None
Spoilers: All episodes are fair game, but especially season six.
Summary: Sam and Dean have been through many life-changing events. This one actually seems pretty innocuous compared to the others. There aren't any demons, angels, or apocalypses involved. Yet, it has a huge impact all the same.
Disclaimer: Supernatural does not belong to me. No copyright infringement intended.
Note: #1: For lightthesparks and her loveyoulikesin challenge. lightthesparks also did the wonderful artwork for this story.
Note #2: Title courtesy of The Doors.

Lastly, thanks to my beta, abeautifullie3. Hugs, bb!

Part I
Part II
Part III
Art Masterpost

[genre: slash], permanent injury, mobility issues, [pairing: dean/sam], &fic, &art/graphics (digital), hospitalization, bottom!dean, physical therapy, disability, [setting: season 06], chronic pain

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