monthly member/guest rec submissions: misc recs (fic and art; gen, Dean/Sam, & Dean/Castiel)

Mar 01, 2011 22:03

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Title: The Land of Unlikeness
Author: aesc
Tags: dehydration, hallucinations, heatstroke, hell/post-hell issues
Genre/pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13/R
Word-count: 11,176
Spoilers: For all of S4; speculation for S5
Warnings: mmmm, minor sexy thoughts? whump, angst, abuse of Biblical sources
Summary: Once his brain stops turning circles in his skull, he tries to take stock. His gun is gone, and so is Ruby's knife. His body's a cacophony of aches and pains, small, stinging cuts where the sand has worked in. Give him twelve hours and he'll be a walking bruise and muscles that won't work right. Narrowing his eyes, Dean chances a look down the slope and figures, give him twenty-four and he'll be dead. H/C! Some whumpage of the physical and emotional variety. Lots of Latin, a bit of Greek, and even Hebrew.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: A new-to-me favourite, this is intense, with amazingly vivid imagery. And the feelings it evokes are just as vivid - the heat of the desert, that sense of being lost, and then led home. A+.

Title: get outta the kitchen
Author: electricalgwen
Tags: curse/spell, fever, sex pollen, unconsiousness
Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: rated R for language and concept
Word-count: 2650
Summary: Incestuous fornication seems the lesser evil.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: This is a fun, fresh look at the sex pollen trope. It takes a more humorous angle than a straight-up h/c angle, btw, but there’s definitely some, uh, altered!Dean here. And it's awesome and hilarious.

Title: Crashing
Author: Enkidu07 & mad_server
Tags: fainting/collapse, fever, sleep deprivation, sleep disorder
Characters: Sam, Dean, ODC (Original Doctor Character)
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1700
Summary: Dean's tired. Really tired. It's a problem.
Reccer’s comments: An anon says: A delicious slice of brotherly love, complete with lots of protective!Sam. Cut me a slice of that pie!

Title: The Big Picture
Author: K Hanna Korossy
Tags: blood loss, fever, pneumonia, exhaustion, psychological issues
Characters: Dean, Sam, Pastor Jim
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 4618
Spoilers: Seasons 1-2
Summary: Sam needs a safe place for Dean, and some answers for himself.
Reccer’s comments: elmaya says: Sam takes Dean to Pastor Jim, twice, to give him time to heal. And he finds that there might be some hope for them. Set during season 1 and 2.

Title: Detained
Author: K Hanna Korossy
Tags: abandonment issues, delirium, fever, infection, fainting/collapse, hugs/cuddling
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 4889
Spoilers: Season 1
Summary: What happens when the only person who knows where Dean's laid up, hurt and helpless, is delayed?
Reccer’s comments: elmaya says: This has the Sam and Dean I know and love. They care about each other and are terrified of letting the other go -although neither will admit it out loud. Sam would like to tend to an injured Dean, but first, he has to escape from that bothersome armed robbery. Dean's state deteriorates... Set during season 1.

Title: Gather the Flies
Author: pixel_0
Tags: captivity, carried!Dean, crying!Dean, kidnapping, physical abuse, pain: emotional, pretty!Dean, restraints/rope/handcuffs
Characters: Dean, John, and OCs
Genre/pairing: pre-series gen
Rating: R for language and subject matter (see warnings)
Word-count: 5897
Warnings: This story includes-to varying degrees of explicitness-the following topics: pedophilia, child abuse, cannibalism, torture, and murder. On a whole, the main character and his actions are-again, to varying degrees-based on serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer.
Summary: Dean is kidnapped. John is a father.
Reccer’s comments: elmaya says: This is horrifying. Not the writing, of course, but the story. Wee Dean is taken by a human monster and the story follows his own fierce struggle for survival and John's hunt for his son. The imagery is really disturbing, but it packs a powerful punch.

Title: A Medical History of Sam and Dean Winchester
Author: memphis86
Tags: anaphylaxis, chickenpox, fever, flu, mono, nausea/vomiting, poison ivy
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13 for adult situations and implied wincesty touchings
Word-count: 2,354
Summary: Throughout the years, Dean (like any other child) got sick. And Sam didn't.
Reccer’s comments: An anon says: This is an oldie, but a goodie. The way it captures Dean and Sam’s bond throughout their lives is really touching and well-done.

Title: Five Times Dean Winchester Burned Alone and One Time He Didn't
Author: yellow_pomelo
Tags: amnesia/memory loss, burns, cold, concussion/head trauma, cough, cuts/lacerations, drowning/near drowning, fainting/collapse, fever, hell/post-hell issues, hugs/cuddling, pain: emotional, prostitution, self-esteem issues
Genre/pairing: first five parts are gen, last part is Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 9, 500
Warnings: Underage prostitution, dub/non-con, descriptions of Hell and Hell-related things.
Summary: Six different scenes that take place at six different times in Dean's life.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: This is one that’s stuck with me ever since I read it. I’ve been holding off on reccing it only because I’ve been attempting to put together a rec post featuring Dean + prostitution, but it’s not nearly ready to post yet, so I guess I’ll just rec this one now, and then later. ;) In any case, this fic features many other concepts besides that one as well. Each section is a gorgeous little snapshot of what it means to be Dean.


Title: Everything is Destiel and nothing hurts.
Artist: hermitic
Tags: hugs/cuddling
Genre/pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13-R (rated by reccer)
Warnings: shirtlessness?
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: This is absolutely beautiful and intimate. Castiel seems to be holding Dean in such a comforting way and I love it.

Title: a cold
Artist Renny08
Tags: cold
Characters: Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: G (rated by reccer)
Summary: Sick!Dean with some scratches from the last hunt. Digital art, drawing.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: I’m still trying to work out in my mind why Dean with a cold is so ADORABLE to me, but oh, it is. Also, I really like the style of this one.

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

[setting: season 04], anaphylaxis/severe allergic reaction, captivity, poison ivy, cough, pretty!dean, hugs/cuddling, pneumonia, [setting: season 01], missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), restraints/ropes/handcuffs, !monthly rec submissions (mod-compiled), drowning/near drowning, dehydration, hallucinations/delusions, crying!dean, [setting: season 02], nausea/vomiting, carried!dean, blood-loss, curse/spell, physical assault/abuse, cuts/lacerations, sleep disorder, amnesia/memory loss, common cold, !recs, flu, [pairing: dean/castiel], concussion/head trauma, infection, [pairing: dean/sam], psychological issues, &art/graphics (digital), emotional pain/hurt, unconsciousness, [genre: gen], sleep deprivation, prostitution, delirium, self-esteem issues, hell/post-hell issues, [genre: slash], exhaustion, burns, fainting/collapse, fever, mono, &fic, abandonment issues, [setting: pre-series], heatstroke, chickenpox, &art/graphics (traditional), sex magic (sex pollen/fuck-or-die/etc.)

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