insta-rec (fic, gen)

Feb 10, 2011 22:36

Here's another goodie I just came across off-comm. <3

Title: Propane
Author: spoons1899
Tags: anxiety/panic attack, crying!Dean, ep: On the Head of a Pin
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 3,000
Spoilers: Coda to 4.16 On the Head of a Pin.
Summary: Dean is still weak and upset from his altercation with Alistair. Sam tries to help. Everybody angsts.
Reccer’s comments: I can NEVER get enough post On the Head of a Pin fic, and this is a wonderful one! It has all the comfort I wanted to see onscreen, and all the necessary angst as well. I love that it’s told from the POV of the scary, protective Sam we saw in this ep. The author really illustrates season 4 Sam’s motivations beautifully, and makes me feel for both him and Dean.

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[setting: season 04], &fic, crying!dean, [genre: gen], !recs, anxiety/panic attack, [» on the head of a pin]

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