Title:Out Of The Dark (The Barbara Rose Remix)
Characters: Dean, Sam, OCs
Genre: Gen, preseries
Rating: PG
Word count: 8443 total: 3246 this part
Summary: People get misdiagnosed all the time. Especially Winchesters.
A/N: My horribly late remix for the
hoodie_time Dean focused h/c remix challenge. I remixed
adrenalineshots fic
Barba Rossa . I loved the outsider POV of the E.R. staff and wanted to work with the Dean POV on their assumption that Dean was drunk, not injured.
“Nuh,” he mutters, holding his hands up like that’s going to stop the lighter from dropping. “Nah dead. Don’ hafta. Gotta…Sammy.” )
Part 2 Part 3