Fic: The Sound of You

Feb 03, 2011 12:25

Title: The Sound of You
Author: yellow_pomelo
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Characters: pre-Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: None, if you know who Castiel is.
Warnings: Nothing scarier than what's on the show.
Word Count: ~4, 400
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or any of it's characters.
Summary: Temporarily blinded by a flash bomb, Dean waits for help.

Notes:  AU, Set in the Temptation 'Verse, their first meeting years before the events of  Temptation Was Never Red, which I suggest you read first. But it can stand alone, all you have to know: In the not so distant future; Angels came to Earth to harvest humanity for their bodies.

He might even avoid flares in the future.

&fic, [genre: pre-slash], blindness/vision loss, [pairing: dean/castiel]

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