Everyone is sad today because of SPN being delayed, so I thought about what cheers me up, and because I'm weird, one of those things is HYPOTHERMIA!FIC. Here are just a couple that I’ve read recently.
On the Surface [WIP]
gaelicspiritTags: cough, drowning/near drowning, exhaustion, fever, gunshot wound, hugs/cuddling, hypothermia, injury, nightmares, pain, pneumonia, unconsciousness
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13 for language
Spoilers: Set in Season 2 dove-tailing the end of Episode 2.12, Nightshifter.
Summary: On the run from the FBI, the brothers are sidelined by a snowstorm and find themselves at the mercy of a sheltered town filled with secrets. Staying alive means staying together as they fight to stay on the surface.
Reccer’s comments: This is super new! A chapter was just posted to the comm last night, in fact. What I like about it (besides the yummy hypothermic cuddling, which can be found in the second chapter, btw) is how it brings me right back to one of my favourite parts of the series - that point in season two when the boys were reeling from the death of their father and on the run from the FBI. The author has aced their s2 characterizations and writes a mean casefile as well, and I know this will be one to watch.
Alone in the ColdAuthor:
rhythmsextion @
pianoforeplayTags: hypothermia, stranded/survival scenario
Genre/pairing: implied one-sided Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Word-count: 1,980
Spoilers: Spoilers through 6.09 and then basically going AU.
Summary: Sam and Dean get caught in a snowstorm and things get uncomfortable.
Reccer’s comments: Early season six!Sam/Dean quasi-schmoop, who would have thought it could work? But oh, it does. This is decidedly achy, yes, but there's something sweet about it too.
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