The Reason I Live 6/7

Jan 27, 2011 06:14

Title:  The Reason I Live
Author:  Disneymagics
Rating:  PG
Characters:  Sam, Dean, John
Genre:  Gen, hurt/comfort
Disclaimer:  I don't own Supernatural except in my dreams where schmoop abounds.
Warnings:  Those of you who think John Winchester was a good father doing the best he could under terrible circumstances may not like my portrayal. He's not deliberately cruel, but he is negligent and he treats his sons as though they are soldiers, not little boys. Just remember this story is AU and Sammy knows what his daddy does at a much younger age than canon Sammy.
Word Count:  ~3,700
Summary:  Sequel to I Wish I was a Growed Up and second story in the Wish 'verse.  Something is lurking near Sammy and Dean's new school and John thinks this is the perfect opportunity for Dean to research his first hunt, but when things go wrong Sammy has to grow up fast to rescue his brother.  AU hurt!!Dean protective!Sam Wee!chester Ages Dean 9 Sam 5 and 24
A/N:  Please leave me some feedback.  Comments are cherished. 
Chapter 6 )

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crying!dean, exhaustion, hunger/starvation, carried!dean, hugs/cuddling, &fic, emotional abuse, [genre: gen], [setting: pre-series], dean wearing sam's hoodie!

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