[Fic] What the Thunder Said - Dean, Sam; hurt/comfort, case!fic; S1

Jan 15, 2011 15:37

Title: What the Thunder Said (canis lupus remix)
Genre: gen, hurt/comfort (hurt!Dean and hurt!Sam), angst, horror(ish?), case!fic

Characters: Sam, Dean
Word Count: ~8200
Summary: Presentiment doesn't mean a hunt can't go wrong; in fact, it pretty much ensures that it will. Sam and Dean go wolf-hunting anyway.
Notes: Takes place between 1x12 "Faith" and 1x14 "Nightmare." This is a remix of nwspaprtaxis fic, Clawed, who hoped to see this remix up the ante on the H/C elements of her story. Which means mine is basically SHAMELESS H/C FOREVER for both of them because why stop at one when you can knock it up to two. I also realized that I don't write touchy-feely brotherly Winchesters very often, so this is also my go at that. Oh, S1. <3

I know it's late, but I hope this pleases!

Your visions must have dropped the ball, because this has already happened; you are past this. Dean is fine.

[» faith], blood-loss, pain, &fic, [setting: season 01], [genre: gen], injury (misc./other/uncategorized), .challenge 3, shock

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