Title: Counting to 26 (As Easy As 1,2,3 Remix)
eschatologiesRating: PG-13 (a couple swears, a smidge of violence)
Fandom: SPN, gen (Dean, Sam - season one, mild AU)
Word Count: 5712
Notes: My contribution to the
hoodie_time Dean-focused h/c remix challenge. This is a remix of
As Easy As 1,2,3 which is absolutely NECESSARY to read first as my story takes place just as hers ends. Sort of.
Thanks to
roque_clasique for allowing me to manipulate her fine work, and to
twirlycurls for the excellent initial beta work. All remaining errors are my own.
This case-fic takes place in my hometown at a park very central to my childhood, but I've been creative with the history. Call it artistic license. Feedback is love - this is basically the fic that just wouldn't die, and I fear I've just stumbled out into the woods without a map.
Summary: Dean is functionally illiterate, Sam is holding things together, and something is abducting children in Washington state.
To the story, now with a working link!