another spn_j2 xmas fic rec! (Sam/Dean)

Dec 29, 2010 12:15

This is another spn_j2_xmas fic rec to add onto my rec post from the other day. I love the holidays.

Title: Formaldehyde and Lace
Author: jain
Tags: fever, flu, hugs/cuddling
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Word-count: 3600
Summary: Dean's a bit under the weather, so Sam takes charge.
Reccer’s comments: A totally charming dose of sick!cranky!Dean + protective!competent!Sam - plus a nice side of casefic. I’ve been reading a lot of angst lately, and it was great to change it up with something like this, which is angst-free with just the right amount of schmoop. The brotherly banter is spot on too.

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&fic, hugs/cuddling, [pairing: dean/sam], [genre: slash], flu, !recs, fever

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