Title: Roaming the Land While You Sleep
purple_carpetsGenre/pairing: Gen
Characters: Dean, Sam, John
Rating: T
Word-count: ~1200
Summary: For thirteen-year old Sam, puberty hits hard. When he storms out and accidentally screws up the salt lines, Dean is left to pay the price. Lots of hurt, little comfort
Disclaimer: Don't own them. Probably a good thing, too.
I sort of wrote this for one of the poor lonely promts. Sort of. Not really sure that I'm taking this in the direction the prompter wated it to go, but that's what gave me the idea:
Gen, preseries -- Teen Sam is getting fed up with the hunting life, and sneaks out of the motel/dingy apartment/whatever to go meet up with friends and have some good, clean, normal fun. What he doesn't notice is that he breaks the salt line while sneaking out. And Dean's left to suffer the consequences.
http://purple-carpets.livejournal.com/681.html okay, lets post and see if I did any of that cut thingy right...