monthly member/guest rec submissions: misc. recs (fic; gen & Sam/Dean)

May 31, 2010 08:10

Got recs?

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Incorrigible by by tru_faith_lost
Author’s notes/summary: A Dean high on muscle relaxants is in need of a bath, but he won't stay in the damned tub. What's a bigger, (yeah, bigger) brother to do? Established wincestuous relationship. First time of sorts. Read warnings. 3500 words. NC-17, Dean/Sam.

Reccer’s notes: An anon says: Who can resist loopy!Dean? This was a super-fun read, as adorable as it was hot.

Tags: drugs (medical), high, hugs/cuddling, intoxication/altered state, muscle strain/pull

The "Don't Expect Me Back" ‘verse by dollarformyname [part one is complete, part two is a WIP]
Author’s notes/summary: John's mission takes an abrupt and terrifying turn. Avenging Mary's death goes on the back burner as he and Sam search frantically for Dean. Meanwhile, after a traumatic fight for survival, Dean is thrust into foster care against his will... When the Winchesters finally reunite, will they recognize any part of the people they get back? 112,809 words (so far.) A crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Gen.

Reccer’s notes: elmaya says: Crossover with Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I don't even know this show and I loved this fic to pieces. Secret!Dean has secrets, bad!demons are bad and the Winchester family dynamics are so raw I could weep. There is even some quality hurt!wee! and teen!Dean - but not for the faint of hearts, be careful if it squicks you. Sadly, a WIP and not updated since December 2009...

Tags: injury, hospitalization, psychological trauma

There's Just the One by ficwriter1966
Author’s notes/summary: There are small miracles, Sam thinks, and this is one of them: that they're stuck up here until the storm dies down, and he does not have to ride shotgun while his brother attempts to drive stoned. 4048 words. PG. Dean (18) and Sam (14), pre-series gen.

Reccer’s notes: An anon says: Teen!Sam’s POV is perfect here. He's got so much going on emotionally - he’s angry with their father for forcing them to grow up too fast, he's irritated with Dean in that teenage way - but he still totally has his brother’s back when it counts. Little hero Sammy is my new favourite thing!

Tags: crying!Dean, drugs (supernatural), hallucinations, intoxication/altered state, poisoning

Nothing Else Matters by heartbeatroad
Author’s notes/summary: How to live without your soul mate in three easy steps. Warnings - Spoilers for 5.22. Angst and schmoop. 1400 words. PG-13, Sam/Dean - established relationship.

Reccer’s notes: maypoles says: I’m so pleased this is the author’s first fic, as I can’t wait to read more goodness from her! This is an emotionally raw coda to 5x22 that had an emotional impact on me in turn. Really strong writing.

Tags: crying!Dean, ep: Swan Song”, grief, hugs/cuddling, psychological trauma

His Own Hands Holding The Rope by onefulloctave
Author’s notes/summary: Dean deals with Hell. Sam does what he can. Set in season 4. 1,996 words. PG-13 for language. Sam, Dean, gen.

Reccer’s notes: maypoles says: I love onefulloctave’s sparse writing style and she draws a really effective and heartbreaking portrait of post-hell!Dean with it here. Also, this is her first fic! So go welcome her to the fandom and tell her she ought to stick around for awhile. ;)

Tags: fever, flu, nightmares, pain (emotional), post-hell issues

Bite by P.L. Wynter
Author’s notes/summary: There are some things that time can never forgive. John Winchester is about to find this out and it may cost him the lives of his sons. Pre-Pilot. 35,728 words. R. Sam, Dean. Horror, h/c, gen.

Reccer’s notes: elmaya says: Pre-series Winchesters, with Sam as an angry young man and Dean as a go-between. The hunters go to a friend of John's, in a town where ugly monsters are killing people. It sounds like a simple case fic, and in a way, it is, but the last chapters are terrifyingly suspenseful, enough that I should not have read them alone in the dark. Well-written, plotty, with a nice twist and some sick!Dean sprinkled on top!

Tags: cough, fever, flu, kidnapping, nausea

Counting Coup by Scullspeare
Author’s notes/summary: What seemed like a routine hunt, leaves Dean fighting for his life and Sam frantically trying to figure out what happened. And when he does, it's a big shock to both brothers. 23,611 words. PG-13, gen.

Reccer’s notes: An anon says: This fic has some great twists and a mystery that will keep you guessing, not to mention protective!Sam AND sick!protective!Dean. All things I happen to adore.

Tags: hospitalization, poisoning, respiratory illness

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

flu, cough, poisoning, drugs (supernatural), hugs/cuddling, [pairing: dean/sam], nightmares/night terrors, hospitalization, injury (misc./other/uncategorized), missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), emotional pain/hurt, [genre: gen], !monthly rec submissions (mod-compiled), intoxication/altered state, hallucinations/delusions, hell/post-hell issues, [» swan song], [genre: slash], muscle strain/pull, psychological trauma, crying!dean, nausea/vomiting, respiratory illness/distress, fever, grief, &fic, !recs

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