there's no forgetting (PTSD!Dean fic recs)

Aug 13, 2009 20:33

Before we get started, I have to say - I’m super pleased by how many members this place has accumulated in just a few days! Yay! And, hi! I haven’t really pimped it very many places, though, because I don’t know various comms' rules on promos and because I don’t want to bombard everyone’s fl, so if any of you think this place is something YOUR ( Read more... )

[setting: season 04], substance abuse (drugs), [pairing: dean/castiel], substance abuse (alcohol), [pairing: dean/sam], nightmares/night terrors, hospitalization, [genre: gen], intoxication/altered state, drugs (psychiatric), hell/post-hell issues, [genre: slash], torture, fever, alcoholism, ptsd, repressed memories, &fic, [pairing: dean/alastair], stockholm syndrome, !recs, mental illness, sexual assault/abuse (non-con)

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Comments 8

huntress69 August 14 2009, 00:33:18 UTC
Thanks for the recs, and you don't need to give me cookies, I am pimping it on my LJ cause I like sick Dean.


hoodietime August 14 2009, 00:51:48 UTC
Fantastic! Thank-youuuu.


riama82 August 14 2009, 10:31:46 UTC
Thanks for those recs! I'm gonna be busy for the next hour or so... ;-)


hoodietime August 14 2009, 19:24:35 UTC
Awesome! Enjoy yourself. ;)


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hoodietime August 16 2009, 18:36:31 UTC
No problem! I'm ALWAYS in need of comforting!Sam, haha.


tabaqui October 25 2009, 04:16:47 UTC
I hadn't seen this rec before, it's quite lovely, thank you!


hoodietime October 25 2009, 04:37:39 UTC
Well, thank-you for writing such lovely fic! ;) It's one of my faves, truly.

And yay, I'm glad you saw the rec! I try to let everyone know when they've been recced now, but I often missed doing that at the beginning when I was just getting the comm going.


tabaqui October 25 2009, 04:47:26 UTC
A friend of mine was telling me the new 'search' thing here was great for catching recs so i had to give it a try. I do like to say 'thank you' if i can when someone recs something of mine - it think it's really neat, and very flattering.

So thank you again! :)


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