Various New Fics :)

Mar 03, 2017 17:07

I've written quite a few new fics. Most of them are from prompts on Tarotgal's 2016 comment meme, some are just me :3 All of them revolve around Dean having a cold/allergies. Enjoy :)

( Driver Picks the Music: )Dean's got a cough that won't quit.
( Motels, Hunts, and Colds: )Sam and Dean are sharing a horrible cold. Also, it's Christmas.
( Allergy Season: )RPF. Jensen has allergies filming Lazarus Rising.
( Quiet.: )Sam and sick Dean hide from a rawhead. Dean tries to be quiet.
( Can't That Wait?: )Dean has a cold but the impala needs fixing.
( Five times Sam drove when Dean was sick: )As the title suggests.
( Not Bad At All: )Camping out in the backseat of the impala when you're sick isn't all that bad.
( Breathe: )Dean's having a hard time breathing through his nose... and his mouth.

&fic, bronchitis, flu, allergies, cough, common cold, fever

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