Title: Childhood I
Genre: gen, pre-9x04 "Slumber Party," exhausted Dean headspace
Characters: Dean (POV), Kevin; Linda and John by extension; a bit of Sam
Rating: R
Word Count: ~3,700
[ Spoiler (click to open)] masturbation, brief non-explicit mentions of past underage, talk of prostitution Summary:
What happens on the "Dean and Kevin go get falafel" trip stays in the "Dean and Kevin go get falafel" trip. --
Title: Childhood III
Genre: gen, 9x23 "Do You Believe In Miracles?" tag
Characters: John (POV), Dean; Millie Winchester (pre-series)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~3100
[ Spoiler (click to open)] use of racial slurs/the Vietnam War/Red Scare rhetoric, reference to suicide (non canon character) Summary:
In the moment between Dean's soul failing to ascend to Heaven, and Dean's soul returning to Earth a demon, John catches it. And, inasmuch as one can speak to an amorphous ball of sound and light and memory, they have a chat. NB: Childhood is a three-part series set across S9 about childhood, parenthood, and how they weave into one another. Each part is thematically connected to the others, but can stand alone!