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Re: Fill part four, last part prufrock_26 September 1 2012, 14:46:54 UTC

*hugs you and never lets go*

I could not have asked for a better way to start the weekend. This was probably my favorite of the prompts I've left, and you absolutely did it justice. I've had a stressful week full of meetings and people that I couldn't deal with, and THIS is what I needed to make it all better.

The mutilated bodies and the broken wings; the tiny remembered shaving scene; the panic attacks (which are *so* hard to do well, and you made it look easy)....you took my long, awkward, involved prompt and you made it work so well.

Dean's panic is so believable, and so *Dean*, and your Sam is everything I could ever wish for: solid and understanding and caring and tea-making (Jody!) and perfect. Basically, the entire last scene is something I could read over and over again and never get tired of.

I still feel like I've only scratched the surface of how much I loved this. Thank you SO MUCH. (You're staying forever, right? To keep writing amazing fills like this? I am absolutely prepared to enable your habit here.)


Re: Fill part four, last part sparrow_lately September 1 2012, 17:05:06 UTC
GAH thank YOU so much! I'm terribly sorry for your awful week, but I'm so glad if this little story made you feel a bit better!

I have a bit a of thing for cosmic horror, and I always wanted Cthulhu to crop up on Supernatural but alas, he has yet to, so I figured hell for monsters would probably look something like Lovecraft's reject bin. And I've always thought people, particularly naked people or people wearing certain kinds of clothes (read: business casual attire) start looking incredibly fucking weird if you look too long. Therefore...I loved your prompt.

And, yeah, I've had enough of stand-offish Sam. I'm ready for early-days too-sweet-for-his-own-good Sam to make a reappearance, if a little damaged. :P But I like the idea that Jody can mother him while Dean's away, maybe file off a few of his edges.

WELL WOW THIS COMMENT GOT LONG; the point is thank you for this lovely comment and holy crap, yes, I think I'm staying, because this absolutely unhealthy amounts of fun.

Edit: also, if you care, I got annoyed with the missing transition and I fixed it here: http://sparrow-lately.livejournal.com/1120.html *awkwardly shuffles out*


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