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Fill part four, last part sparrow_lately September 1 2012, 02:53:51 UTC
And then dignity catches up to him in a wave of hot shame and he yanks himself away from Sam again. Sam looks at him for a moment, then stands and tugs Dean to his feet as well. With one hand on the small of his back, he leads him to the end of the hallway and to the stairs, which are cool and deserted. Dean feels his heart speeding up as they cut back across the lobby, but Sam keeps his hand on Dean’s back and Dean resists the strong urge to grab Sam’s other arm. They make it to the car and Sam deposits Dean in the front seat as gently as if he were a child.

They don’t speak on the drive back to the motel, through the crowded hot city streets, lined with so many more people Dean can’t look at. They make it back eventually, though, and again Sam helps Dean from the car and into the room and then onto the bed, and the protest rises to his lips-Sam, it is not even happy hour, I do not need to be tucked in-but Sam is already making his way to the kitchenette, probably to make tea. Somewhere along the line, Sam began setting great store in tea. Dean suspects Jody.

He watches his brother bustle around, plays with a comment about Sam being a good little housewife but doesn’t feel like he can really pull it off right now. Sam is pouring the hot water into the mug, and his every movement is fluid and right, as calming as a lullaby. This, this is what he held onto, back in no man’s land, back when he was near-feral and alone. The geometry of the world no longer made any sense to him, but the planes and angles of his awkward, oversized kid brother were exactly right.

The shapes of Earth might do well, he thinks, as Sam lumbers over, holding the brimming, steaming mug with both hands, careful not to spill, to mold themselves around Sam Winchester.


Re: Fill part four, last part maypoles September 1 2012, 04:05:46 UTC
Well, we are so glad to have you. <333

I think that you definitely did it justice! This is so beautiful, full of emotion and vivid imagery. Also, I just adore the phrase "excruciating gentleness." And the last line, omg.


Re: Fill part four, last part sparrow_lately September 1 2012, 04:34:10 UTC
*incoherent flail* you're all so nice I cannot even.

Thank you so much! I've gotten kind of addicted to this meme...I'm having way, way too much fun, but I'm glad somebody else is getting something from it at least. :)


Re: Fill part four, last part kalliel September 1 2012, 05:40:20 UTC
I'm thrilled you're having fun!!! WE ARE HAVING FUN WITH YOU TOO HAHAHA. Does this mean we get to keep you? ;PP /creepy

I adore all the imagery of this, and the way the scene wanders in and out of Purgatory and the here and now. I agree with maypoles--that last line is just killer. J'adore~ Also, slightly tangential but no less awesome, this line: Somewhere along the line, Sam began setting great store in tea. Dean suspects Jody.

D'awwww. <333

Great fill! Thank you for writing~


Re: Fill part four, last part sparrow_lately September 1 2012, 05:44:55 UTC
*cannot even* *actually my heart is like stuck in my throat you LOVELY PERSON*

Thank you thank you. Aaaaand one more thank you. *glomps you* *I guess this means you can keep me* *mutual creepiness party ahoy*

Edit: I am especially pleased nobody seems to have noticed the missing transition between parts one and two. I swear there was a line or two there...I'm writing too fast. :P


Re: Fill part four, last part shoofus September 1 2012, 07:53:25 UTC
again lovely vivid writing!


Re: Fill part four, last part sparrow_lately September 1 2012, 07:57:03 UTC
Again thank you very very much!


Re: Fill part four, last part prufrock_26 September 1 2012, 14:46:54 UTC

*hugs you and never lets go*

I could not have asked for a better way to start the weekend. This was probably my favorite of the prompts I've left, and you absolutely did it justice. I've had a stressful week full of meetings and people that I couldn't deal with, and THIS is what I needed to make it all better.

The mutilated bodies and the broken wings; the tiny remembered shaving scene; the panic attacks (which are *so* hard to do well, and you made it look easy)....you took my long, awkward, involved prompt and you made it work so well.

Dean's panic is so believable, and so *Dean*, and your Sam is everything I could ever wish for: solid and understanding and caring and tea-making (Jody!) and perfect. Basically, the entire last scene is something I could read over and over again and never get tired of.

I still feel like I've only scratched the surface of how much I loved this. Thank you SO MUCH. (You're staying forever, right? To keep writing amazing fills like this? I am absolutely prepared to enable your habit here.)


Re: Fill part four, last part sparrow_lately September 1 2012, 17:05:06 UTC
GAH thank YOU so much! I'm terribly sorry for your awful week, but I'm so glad if this little story made you feel a bit better!

I have a bit a of thing for cosmic horror, and I always wanted Cthulhu to crop up on Supernatural but alas, he has yet to, so I figured hell for monsters would probably look something like Lovecraft's reject bin. And I've always thought people, particularly naked people or people wearing certain kinds of clothes (read: business casual attire) start looking incredibly fucking weird if you look too long. Therefore...I loved your prompt.

And, yeah, I've had enough of stand-offish Sam. I'm ready for early-days too-sweet-for-his-own-good Sam to make a reappearance, if a little damaged. :P But I like the idea that Jody can mother him while Dean's away, maybe file off a few of his edges.

WELL WOW THIS COMMENT GOT LONG; the point is thank you for this lovely comment and holy crap, yes, I think I'm staying, because this absolutely unhealthy amounts of fun.

Edit: also, if you care, I got annoyed with the missing transition and I fixed it here: http://sparrow-lately.livejournal.com/1120.html *awkwardly shuffles out*


Re: Fill part four, last part lipsticknguns September 1 2012, 20:21:16 UTC
This is wonderful! Amazing job. <3


Re: Fill part four, last part sparrow_lately September 1 2012, 20:30:26 UTC
Thank you so much!


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