Eco textbook - my new bed-time reading

Sep 02, 2007 00:04

It is quite sad, I have yet again fallen into the trap of procrastination. I think it is one of the most used words in my recent vocabulary. Although I will never come close to Ms Thompson with her "And the deal is..." :]

Yes, I am procrastinating my bed-time reading and I am feeling very lonely since all the T-Quads are not here. (8) I don't wanna be lonely no more, I don't wanna hafta pay for this, I don't want another lover at my door Is just another heartache on my list (8)

Yearlies are so irritating. But I feel more so for one of my friends who has more than the yearlies to stress about.

The mind is a powerful thing, as the brain works as the coordinator of your whole body. [Well with the exception of reflexes.] And sometimes, this is very dangerous, as your thoughts can consequently influence and even dictate your body's actions and hence your actions.

OMG I see sushibum! Online! YAY

Man right now, I am in the mood of writing analyses of people. [But not of Elizabeth or Bridget or Darcy x2] Or philosophical-sounding mumble jumble which doesn't make sense. E> Or obscurely 'symbolic' [i.e. wth is she one about!?-style] music lyrics :] But no! It has come to this tragic circumstance...

Anyway, the chief reason for my lack of productivity today is music. [Not procrastination you may ask? Well, music is the procrastination...] soon as I retrieved my broadband-speed net I DOWNLOADED and DOWNLOADED and DOWNLOADED!!! I am no longer in a new-music-famine :]

List of recent likes:
Fall Out Boy - Grand Theft Autumn
Chris Daughtry - Over You
Chris Daughtry - Home
Kate Spence - To Live Is Christ
Michael Jackson - Ben
Howie Day - Collide
Hooberstank - Running Away
Markus Seibold - Love Story

Haha it's just coincidence that they're almost all rock ><
No, I'm not in a rock phase :] But I shall widen the genres for my current likes.
Assistance appreciated :]

Speaking of music...I am getting a very handsome drumkit *nods nods* I think I might name it XP.

Oh, and I propose that the number 40 should be the T-quads number, as we are a family of Four T's...geddit!?!? :D
What do you say? :]
Btw, so excited about holidays!!! is back to eco now T.T

E> melzZz

P.S. new pick up line...only works for guys to girls, but I found it very witty :] [credit to Susie]
Wanna come and see my hard drive? Babe, I promise you it aint 3.5 inches & it sure aint floppy.
AHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHA cracks me up everytime XPXPXP

E> E> E>
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