me n KEHLIN!!
EWE..this pic is ugly :/..>>me n my SUZIE Q<<
Tyroni boloni...>>I KNO HOW 2 SPELL IT SO SHUT UP LOL<< ;)
tyrone, kai, n jasmine
meee again!!
WHY SUZIE?? huh?? WHY?? lmaO
ooo lala!
whoa look @ THEMBA rite there doesnt he look JUST like usher in this pic?? hott
so sexi...
kehlin n brandon
BESt bUds...dum n n my SUZIE Q
2 my suzie! i love u soosososooso much thanx a thousand times 4 proving 2 me that we ARE CONSISTENT. lOl. DEF. i luv u w/ sooo much of my heart..lets b frenz FOREVR k?? cant w8 til 2morow! MWAH!!
omg my NEW YEARS was CRAZY!! we R SO HOOD! haha..summer house was so fun! brought in tha new yr w/ all my gurls..went 2 tha same liquor store like a billion times 4 mucho DRINK. went 2 tha circle where we ran 4rm tha cops. went 2 sum 60s party where i was bout 2 catch a kobe case..lmfao..all tha drink went str8 2 my head. calld tha sexi boys 2 pik us up cuz tha party was "unsafe"...went 2 la dera park n wut happend there is beyond my ability 2 put in2 words..i dont evn kno wut TARA was doin w/ her boo. then tha cops cum n catch me bein a "white crackwhore"..lmaO pleez. then they cuff tha 2 guys..put them in tha bak of tha car n question TARA n i like crazy. TARA starts hyperventalating evn more than necessary w/ my help which scared all tha cops lmaO. tha cops search tha car n find tha drink but they didnt evn c tha HEAT. aftr a long ass time of playin w/ our heads..tryin 2 scare us they let us go. david told me i was his hood white gurl n that i can roll w/ him ANYTIME. get umm..lOl yess ooo hes so hott. sexi. whoa..our goodbye was BOMB too..almost as good as our hott time 2gethr. oo lala he got me all 4getting about deshawn. lOl finally. this isnt tha 1st time david n i hav hookd up but we DEF need 2 talk..i shall soon speak 2 him about wut we will do 4rm here. umm..but yeah our new years was un4gettable. ..
TARA..i jus wanted 2 let u kno that U R MY GURL. i luv u a ridiculous amount n i DEF hope we stay frenz 4evr. thank u sooo much 4 bein my shoulder 2 cry on..>>literally<<..right now im @ ur casa waiting 4 u 2 get home 4rm work...i kno ur sik..GET BETTR BOO! regardless of wut we go thru i hope we nevr let go of our friendship ovr sum dum shit or ovr a stupid boy. i cant w8 2 c wut tha future holds 4 our friendship but w/e it is i kno itll b fun. as usual. ILL ALWAYS B AROUND..pleez continue 2 confide in me n NEVER hesitate 2 call on me 4 ANYTHING. MWAH..
ill upd8 more..adios ppl