thIs entrY bout 2 b lONGGGGGGGG>............

Nov 27, 2004 09:32

THaNxgivinG was sO fuN 4 me!! I haD convinCd mothr 2 leT me go2 TARA’s sO TARA sed she was on her waY cuz she knew mY mom had 2 I callD her 30 minuTes l8ur n she still hadn’t left her casa sO my mom Sed NVM juS cum w/ us..bUt I kno everything happens 4 a reason sO I wasn’t maD..

I knO thanksgiving should not b tha only time I realize wut ive should def not b tha only time that I give thanx 4 wut I appreciate..its more a time where we EMPHASIZE wut we r thankful 4 n wut we can do 2 show our appreciation.. I kno sOO many times I can relate 2 my DEAr ALEX who is a full out DRAMA QUEEN..jus like me! @ times I can make it seem like my life is shit… nothing good cums out of it n it suX..but its not like that @ all I promise u this. I hav a wonderful family who may hav problems @ times but so do all families..i hav WONDERFUL frenZ..honesltly ive got sum of tha most loyal understanding frenz in tha world…iVe got my brain..l8ly ive been EXTRA thankful 4 that while bein compared 2 sum of tha not-so-inteligent students who attend my skOOl..mY health…mY HUMOR>>n mY ability 2 laugh n smile thru hard times<<…n most importantly im thankful 4 MEEE! N e 1 can say n e thing about me but that wont change tha way I feel about myself..not n e more! No longer do I hav tha low self esteem ive lived w/ 4 so completely confident n IN LUV w/ myself! Haha nO me conceited..O WELL..hehe MWAH

N e ways so yeaH on thURs. mY family n I went 2 eaT breakfast @ house of PIES..yUMmmmmMM<

FRIDAY daRRel n I went 2 tha grove 2 c “SHALL WE DANCE”..i c’n it in japaneSe already but tha whole thing was in subtitles…but this 1 was sooooooooo good..huh DARreL?? ((He was trYna pretend he didn’t like it)) lOl then we went 2 JonnY rockets where DarREl was bein a faT ass..hehe we saW CHRISTINA n heR LUV siMon!! Haha geT umm..they r sO CUTE. DarreL was BEGGING me if he could wear my purse sO I let him..lmaO. We rode tha trOLLY lmaO iT was FREEZING..i was sOOsoosO cold…weN I gOt home I found out mY sis had came ovr w/ mY ex..sOOO glad I wasn’t home. But I haD sOO much fUN thaNX DARREL! MWAH

2daY im goIN 2 mY frenZ house cuz hes havIN sum meeting there about there lil party crew that they want me 2 b starts @ noon so I bettr geT ready..theN were going bowling! I havnt been since mY b daY!! Yay! lOl sO yeah it should b fUn…

2mORow I think ima dO suM HW..caNT w8 2 go bak 2 skOOl on MondaY!!

SUZIE Q..SORRY u got grounded ma!! So u cant go out @ all????? Awwwwww sux…..i wanted u 2 cum w/ me 2daY! :( ur parents got mad jus cuz ur LEZbO?? Haha JK JK..r we still goin 2 geT darreL on TUEsdaY??>>they geT out early remember<< leMMe MEEE! MWAH BOUT 2 GO UPD8 DUM_N_DUMER!!!!!!!!

TARA!! U r sOO x trad! lOl I promise u im not mad..i wasn’t evn getting mad on tha fone I was playin wichu many times hav I sed “man im not tryna hear this” I ALWAYS say that..i wasn’t evn serious. U n I both kno how I feel 4 **HIM** so regardless of how much I “FRONT” u kno tha truth! Haha u knO im jus a bIG “FRONTER” lmaO..hOlla @ me..i haVNT talkd 2 u since u HUNg uP on mE on thanXgivINg! I was like helllllloooooooooooo! HOW RUDE..but yeaH call me MWAH!
AMBARRRRRRRR! SrY u couldnt hav a turkey dinner! Haha u need 2 cum “surprise me” nex time u don’t g2 skOOL k?? call me! MWAH
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