we dONt lUv theM hOes...

Nov 07, 2004 10:32

GOt sUmbodY

He is a beauTy

Very special

Really anD truly

Takes good care of Me

LIke itS hiS duty

NO letting gO

NO holding baK….

LAs nite aN old frIend caLLd..i haVnt spoke 2 hIM in like 4evr..bUt iTs tight cUz we caN NOT talk 4 like a fEW months n then weN we dO..everything goes baK 2 thA waY it waS.. hES sOO wonderful..heS MY wonderful..we hAv aN amazing connection..heS like NO OthR..this iS trU LUV..>>nO liE<<

SO I told hIm mY life..cried 2 hIM..he told me His..told me all about thA hoes he PlaYs..lOl tha dumb thirsty hoes that dome hIm UP..iTs sOO crazy n funny tha way ALL HOES R THA SAME..it’s a trip..tHEYRE ALL THA SAME..haha a nIgga can get ANYTHING outta them..

N e ways.. sOO he waS gOn cUm visit me bUT mY step daD waS gOIn 2 mY aunties house whO lives right nex 2 Him so I jUs went 2 c HiM..

OMG>..sO weN I 1sT c’N hIM I swEAR I didn’t recognize hIm..he lOOKd GOOD>..FINE..WHOA SEXI..delicious..iM NOT evn lYin he lOOkd like a fUKing ballER. HE grew sOO tall..hEs like 6’2 nOw..hE gOt lighter..i gUEss cUz iT b cold nOw..haha..hE cUt off ALL hIs hair n eVn thO he waS iN hIs PJs he lOOkd bomb BOMB BOMB..whoa..i fell in Luv w/ hIm ALL ovr again..

MY step dad n hIS dad gOt faded 2gethER like Old times..iT waS hilarious..

HIs room is HOOKD UP noW..itS like hIs Own apartment…

SO yeaH I waS still shOckD @ hIs nEw appearance..iTs nOt like he UseD 2 b UgLY..jUs..whoa..

SO yeaH then mY song came oN “u should leT me lUv u”<

lOl. N e ways..we fell aslEEP n I guESs hIs mOM told mY step dad she would take me Home in tha morning bUt ended uP taKIN me @ 6aM cUz she haD 2 wOrk..But yeaH laS nIte was AMAZING..i LuVd It…

AMBAR: cant w8 4 Our bowling d8!! AWW itll b jUS tha 3 of US..jUs like Old times!! MWAH MWAH

I guess mY moms maKIn me g2 skOOl 2mORow..i might b able 2 taLK her Out of IT thO..i hOPe sO..iM lazy..

SATURDAY waS sO fuN..took SAT’s in tha morning..sO glaD I waS in tha same rOOm as kAREN n ADAM..i waS fukING frEEziNG mY ass ofF thO in My lIl hOOchifIed shirt..aDAm wouldn’t take hIs sweatR off n Giv iT 2Me..lOl hOW RUDE! JK hEs still tha HomiE…whoa tha math part is like ridiculously easy..i guess cUz I leaRnd all that stuff in home skOOl laS yr…bUt yeaH it doesn’t really mattR hOw I diD… saW SAM!!!!!! Whoa that bOy lOOx sOOo different..i remember he UseD 2 b thA hOmiE baK in JunIOr HI..>>memories<<

Went 2 iN n Out w/ TARA n KAREN afterwards..

AXD 4 a “lemon uP”?? bUt didn’t gET it!! HOw rude..lOl o Well

SO yeaH we talk..n grUbbd 2gethEr..taRA then drOPPd Karen n I oFF @ tha CRESPo CasA…

KaREN n I daNcD..8..spoke 2 DARREL n SUZIE..took blaCKmaLE piX!!! then went 2 naIl shop 2 paMper ourselves…I waS gOIn aLL oUT” lmaO..PIKd UP a sEXI ASS phareLL poster!! “VOTE OR DIE” mY nigG! LOl..@ thA nail shOp I kept asKIn 4 all this special stuff I think they were getting tired oF mE!! lOl…mY bill ended up beIN $42!!! Whoa!! NOw iM 1ce again broke!! lOl…thA same gUy that did kaRENs nails Was tha 1 whO did paUls..awW hOw cute..lOl

LmaO oMg iM listening 2 thIS miX I took 4rM DARREL oN FridaY..tell me y iT haS likE 4 sPiCE GIRLS songs oN it!!!!!! LMaOO! Haha oMg DARREL u nEVR told me u were a spice girls faN! That is sO cute! lOl I LUV ur taste..MWAH!!!!

OMG iTs raining! UGGH I h8 iT! :(


IM sOO done..

BiEEEEEEEE readers!!


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