Nov 01, 2004 18:36
YES I like hiM
IVE like hiM since like last yr
He PlaYs tOO many games..he LUVS 2 pLaY games
I knO he waS pRollY joking weN he aSKd me OUT 2daY
BUt a HUGE part of me HOPeS he wasn’t…
Maybe he wasn’t
He ProLLY waS..IM bUrnT
IVE thrown myself @ hiM WAY tOO manY times
N ive been HURT bY hiM WAY too many times
HeS sooooo cute..lOl
HE thiNX I h8 him..if HE only knew
He thiNX I go w/ DARREL..UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHh..if he only knew
Every tiME I c hIM @ skOOl I dO my best 2 avOId hiM
NOT 2 lOOk @ hiM
CuZ if I dO..i knO ill jUs fall 4 hIM ovR n Ovr again..HARD
Ill fall HARD..i always dO
N E WAYyyyyyyyyyySSS…
4gET hiM..lOl he doesn’t deserve mY thoughts..
kk sO like lets c……….
iM baK @ home
iVE been @ taraS house since Thursday cuZ mY ma went oUTTA town..
shES cUmn bak 2nITe
FRIDAy- I waS supposed 2 g2 KNOttS bUt we didn’t haV a ride sO that waS kinDA a waste OF a ticket….o Well I still gOT mY $$$$ baK…sO we ended uP havIN a Hella fUn nITe.. a nITE 2 reMemBER
IT was mY 1sT time 4 maNY things..iT was tITe thO..i couldn’t haV chosen beTTr ppl 2 sPend mY niTE w/
IT was GIRLZ gON WILD..>>nO liE<< LmaO
SaDe is a fUKn trip..hilarious shIT
SaturdaY- went 2 c RAY..that movie iS sOO bomb yaLL need 2 gO c iT asaP..4reaL like I REALLY n jOYd watching iT…mY bOO naJEE gOT 2 cUm!! HES sO seXI..hiZ hOMEbOY waS On SHADON tough..lOl bUT yESS finally I gOt 2 sPEnd sUm time w/ mY bOO..i LUV hiS bIG JUICY lips aahh I wish I could c hIM again soon..lOl I HOPe sO..he KnOwS hOW2 dO everything sO rite >>nO liE<< hiS touch is BOMB..i LUVD spending all nITe in hiS arms…
SUNDaY- NothiNg @ all
2daY was tha biggest waste of a daY..waste of MY time…
still I h8 lACES>>ecEPT 4 aLL mY bOObiEs
cant w8 2 gET OUT
OMg I still think about cHRIS all tha time..iTs fUKIng disturbing
IVE dreamt about him EVERY nIte since I heard tha neWS
I REALLY hOpe thA person whO is responsible 4 hiS death gets wuT he deserves
TheY killd sUm1..they ended a persons life..wUT a fUKinG psycho