Jun 04, 2005 23:07
so this weekendd was a blastt. i got to hang out withh my bfferr all weekend so far! <3 what could get any better? lol.
Friday at school we had the Mott Vs. Cousino baseball gamee. I went out there for third and fifth hourr. Second hour we had a testt. yuck. can't wait til i'm out of his class!! =) but he's so dumb. he moved me, maybe thinking that i would do better? but no don't thinkk it worked to well. and plus, why would he move me by all smart people? does he want me to cheat?! lol.
Fifth hour when we were supposed to go outside to watch the baseball game i sat in the in-house room and listened to mr. oland yell at his girlfriend. it was veryy interestingg. lol. sixth hour we watched a moviee. yeahh no one fell asleep this time. so we didn't have to write another paper! =)
Friday night i went skatingg with my bfferr, ericka, brittany and some otherr people. boy oh boy was it for suree fun. lol. so i guess woody likes me again? but, not being mean, that's too bad. Oh and Felix asked me out afterr skatingg. =) =* boy have i liked him for so longg, and we're finally togetherr. that makes me happyy. but then brittany opened her big mouth and liked screamed itt. yeahh. ohh well. then me and her came back to my house and went to sleep.
Got up at like 8:00 cause Brittany had to be at workk by 9:30. man was i ever tiredd. but then i cleaned up the house some and did some laundryy. Then my bfferr called me and asked if i wanted to do something, and of course i said yeaa because she's my bfferr, so i went over to her house for the dayy. We watched some choir moviess and did some tae bo. lol. it was funn. then we went up skatingg, but we left at like 9:30 cause we were bored. then we came backk to my house and we were gonna sit on the roof, but ashley came and got her insteadd. so then i just sat at home, all by my lonesome self and talkedd onlinee to my bfferr and Felix =) and now im sitting here updating this thingg. i thinkk im gonna go to bed noww. good night sweet dreams. <3
Me and Felix
- - - SiiX || three ||Oh fiive <3