...arent you lucky? damn straight you are. so yeah. this weekend sucks, im supposed to be writing papers and memorizing poems. but im not. such the rebel. yesterday was eventful. this is the part where i tell you about it.
so around ... whatever time richie came over richie came over. we went to xactek for a little WoW beta-less. we went in and talk to art and hare for a little bit. then were like. shit. we should get the beta. so we went outside and b-rad was all like "shit. lets go get tom" and we were like "fuck that were goin to get wow" so we all went to my house and burned the cds balblablab then i was like "bitch ho throw down age of empires style" with brad cause i have it all LANed up in my house. so yeah. we played that. (keep in mind we havent played the game in like... 4 years) so it was a trainwreck. we both suck at aoe now. so yeah. after 5 minutes of AOE b-rad g of maliBU resigned. my flaming hittite horse archers were like PWN! richie fell asleep watching i think. so yeah, we were goin to pick up tom after my house, but we didnt. once more; total rebels. so we went back to xactek. and john neifer and tom were there. i talked to them while brad and richie went to pick up cray (who was already on the way to my house to pick up me with ninja) soyeah they came back, then ninja and cray were like "where the fuck were you" and i was like "taking pics with your mom". either cray is really gullible or i can just sell lies very well. so we hung out for a little bit. then i think we went to taco bell. i got 3 tacos... and a coke. went back to xactek... gave arthur a taco. then i think we (ninja richie melissa laura and me) went to schaumburg fest. not much there. hung out at the xactek booth while we were thinking about hustling people at CS. leaving xactek... to...go to ...xactek... wasnt the best idea ever, but whatever. we hung out there, got some free chinese food thanks to sir steven and watched ninja mack his shit. he didnt even come back to the cafe with us. doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out what went on there.... *pelvic thrust* oooooooh yeah. but sooner or later he came back to xactek and we all met up and went to shoe factory road or something. there were like 30 million of us (this is where i try to list people: ninja melissa laura me b-rad tom richie cray twin twins friend #1 twins friend #2 twins friend #3 and probably some more people) there. so it wasnt scary. there WERE people in the house when we went in there though. fucking emo fag goths. one was cute though, but she wouldnt talk to me much. bummer. then we went back to xactek.. we were going to cuba road, but then we got ice cream instead. then i went home. oh. art punched me becuase i bought chips. it hurt my art. damn richie... breakin the machine... forever denying me doritos.
heres some pictures now. for your viewing pleasure...or displeasure. whatever works.
me and dog
studyhall molotov
studyhall zombie..crappy thing.