So here's to hoping that I have something meaningful to say. I have nothing better to do with my time right now, so I figured that I'd at least try and tell you all what's going on with me.
made you look..
I have a glimmer of a chance with Greenfield Village, they looked at the applications yesterday for the internship. Here I thought they had already picked someone, since someone down there told me that they had. People really are stupid sometimes. So I still have a chance for the intership which would be good to a certain respect. Then again I talked to Jeff yesterday, the head of the glass shop, and he outright asked me if I would be interested in anything else down there if there wasn't any room for me in the internship. Like a position as a part time glassblower.
Lets look at this for a moment, I could be something almost less than an assistant, or I could be a part time glassblower something higher than assistant woo!
From there I have to start drawing again, I think the block is out of my head. I think. I have two drawings to do for the next page and from there I can go on to the next page. Most of the rewrite is done. Most of it. I have one page that needs to be redirected, and from there I have an idea of what I'm going to do with the rest of the first chapter. So here's to the idea of being kind to those whom I have hurt in the past couple of months. I hope it comes through as being a work of pure fiction, and not a play by play of my break up.
something important? Nah, I'm just working out how to do these lj cuts from memory.
So what is the point of all of this? really I don't know. I sould come up with some b*llsh*t reason why I'm still here going through the motions, but really just an excersize in civillity. I hate my house. I hate living under this roof. I can't get anything done here, and they wonder why I don't come home until chuck is asleep. It's because I hate that man. Sooner or later he'll figure that out and then my life will be easier, since he'll stop trying to make it look like he cares about me.