I'll be the hero that your dreaming of

Sep 19, 2005 14:10

we're gonna live forever, knowing together, that we did it all for the glory of Love.

Duuudddeee... reality TV is satan! Laguna Beach what? I hate it, all the suntanned, beautiful girls with their prissy attitudes and dont even get me into the concieted rejects known as the men of LB. But yet... i cannot tear my eyes away... i am like "ooh this is interesting." but its not and i realize that every time i come out of the coma i had been into while i was watching it. ONe hour wasted and gone... and then i started to hear "perfect didnt feel so perfect, trying to fit a square into a circle was my life..." and i watch another episode. Satan i will swear it up and down until the cows come home and since home i in Saginaw it is going to take them awhile to get here.

Anyway... i started at the Sagnasty Best Buy... pretty cool there so far. The second night i pulled a double... which really wasn't that cool but hey it was money.

I skipped a class today... my Bio Lab... i just didnt feel like it. My partner wasn't going to be there so ehh... plus i have been working too much and staying up too late... so i didnt care.

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