This is my translations journal, although it is filled to the brim with Arashi translations, I assure you that I will and can do non-JE stuff. I promise.
In the meantime, check out this FAQ that I made for new people and for people who want to procrastinate on their LJs. LOLZORS this is long-winded because I am le bored.
OMG eighty-twelve friends )
¿Tú eres de Miami? ¿Es inglés su lenguaje primaria o es español? Yo sé que algunas personas de esta comunidad no pueden leer inglés tan bueno y por eso hay incidentes cuando no se siguen los leyes de la comunidad. (lo siento, sólamente tuvo 4 anos de Español durante la escuela secundaria, mi español no es tan bueno como lo del 2 años antes.) Pero no te preocupes, en el futuro yo escribiré mis reglamentos en varias lenguajes porque ya tuvo un otro problema con una miembra china quien no pude comprender los reglamentos porque su inglés no era buen.
I was the one who sent you an email after i heard from japanda_lations that some of her translations have been reposted without notice and I just got your reply through email. Actually, japanda_lations banned you from her translations journal, but my journal is not locked and I'm not going to ban you because I know you regret what you did and I'm pretty quick to forgive.
By the way, you should join honyakukonnyaku, I do all my new translations over there and I moved most of the old stuff in here over there. I put up all of Arashi's ONE and I have Wish and Pikanchi Double and a bunch of others.
thanks for forgiving me >.< i'll be really really careful from now on.
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