Nov 06, 2005 22:01
I have reached my point of hypocrisy, intolerance to intolerance. A paradox. I used to love smart people who opposed me. But my opposition has dropped the smart and taken up bigoted, selfish and unfeeling values.
What happened to republicans who believed in small government? They were robed of their respected viewpoints by the Christian fundamentalist movement. Christian fundamentalists who push for “family values” legislation that prohibits gay families from enjoying the same civil rights and benefits that my family enjoys like to back up their bigoted agenda by pointing at the Bible, exactly as slave-condoning churches did in the antebellum American south. The Bible, after all, can be made to support anything if you only twist it enough. When I imagine Jesus as the property of Christian homophobes it’s always the same image I see: Jesus tied up in a ladder back chair with a gag in his outraged mouth. No more Good Samaritan speeches for him, no more radical entreaties to accept, even love the other. Besides, we’ve tried theocracy in this country and it didn’t work so well; it turned out that the witches the Bible warned us about weren’t witches at all. (I saw Goody Procter sleeping with a women!) And I can’t help wondering, if every gay man and woman woke up tomorrow morning as heterosexual as the NBA and the Sex In The City girls, where would these fundamentalists turn their hate? To blacks again, or Jews? Of course, they’ve been there, done that. Perhaps to Muslims this time-in a sort of neo-crusade; the current political climate would probably support it. And in a pinch there are always women--some things never get old and, although half of all fundamentalists are female, a person who thinks that women cannot be incited to turn against other women has never read an Ann Coulter column.